About Us

Interesting information

Rotary Means Business is a Fellowship of Rotary International

Today Rotarians are embracing the original foundations of what the Rotary Club was based on as we adhere to the Four Way Test.

This fellowship operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International.

Mission Statement

Rotary Means Business encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, and by referring others to them.

“If any one tells you that it is reprehensible to make a dollar or two for the wife and babies from club associates in straightforward business transactions, tell that person that some foreign substance has gotten into his carburetor.”

(Paul P. Harris, January 1911).

Rotary Means Business encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, and by referring others to them. This fellowship operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International.

There are many possible meeting agendas. It will work best if you request feedback from your attendees as to what portions of the meeting are valuable and what portions are less important. Here is a typical meeting agenda:
Typical Meeting Agenda (courtesy of RMB District 6970)
6:00-6:30 Rotarians and Guests Arrive
  • Sign in at entry table, pay admission fee, Name badges
  • Complete “Business Closed” slips from previous R2Rs and put in receptacle
  • General networking until formal activities begin

6:30 Welcome by chair or host

  • Host rings bell, calls the meeting to order, welcome Rotarians and guests
  • Overview of RMB and purpose of this event
  • Introduce Event Sponsor(s)
  • Introduce Founding Corporate Sponsor(s)
  • Introduce Special Guest
  • Pertinent RMB business and upcoming meetings
    • Future Meeting Sponsors
    • Club Ambassadors
  • Draw 3 names for 3X3 talks

6:50 R2R (Rotarian to Rotarian) Meeting Updates

  • Member RMB Success Stories and Thank-you’s
  • Chair suggests members schedule R2R meetings while here

6:55 Introductions, approximately 50% of attendees (30 seconds max)

  • Name
  • Rotary club
  • Business Name
  • Slogan or Unique Selling Proposition
  • Services or Products
  • Repeat name and Rotary club

7:10 Sponsor Craft Talks (3×3) or (1×6)

7:20 Introductions, remaining attendees (30 seconds max)

7:35 Rotarian Craft Talks (3×3)

7:45 Focused Networking

  • Bell ring every 5 minutes to remind members to circulate

8:25 Reminders

  • www.RotaryMeansBusiness.org
  • Events site
  • Networking is a process NOT an event – Remember to follow-up
  • Upcoming Meetings: A

8:30 Adjourn

Membership on Rotary Means Business.com

The Members Directory is a great place to find Rotarians. Here you will be able to search by many variables including country, state, city, business categories, Rotary clubs, and more.

To become a member you must be a member in good standing of a Rotary club on planet Earth (other planets coming soon).

Go to the directory page and register. Once you have been approved, you will be notified by email. Then you are good to enjoy all the aspects of a Rotary Means Business member on this site.

Some of the benefits of being a member include

  • Members become part of the directory and can openly advertise their services and products.
  • Enroll in email notifications about upcoming events and announcements
  • Can modify their account and notification settings directly from within their profiles.
  • Can set up and manage groups.
  • Groups allow members to organize themselves into specific public, private or hidden sections with separate activity streams and member listings.
  • Can create full-powered discussion forums built directly into groups to allow for more conventional in-depth conversations.
  • Can enter events directly to the Events Calendar and enable bookings if required.
  • Can form and lead local Rotary Means Business Chapters (see “Local Chapters” dropdown)


Please feel free to download our bylaws: Rotary Means Business Fellowship Bylaws RMBF By-Laws–2021


Please feel free to download our policies document: RMBF Policies-231017



Rotary Means Business Election Guidelines
(These Guidelines are based on Rotary Code of Policies #17.040.1. Guidelines for District-Level Elections and #26.090.5. Rules
Regarding Campaigning, Canvassing and Electioneering)
(1) Rotarians and all candidates shall
(a) Learn and follow both the spirit and the letter of RMB’s election guidelines
(b) Not undertake personal initiatives to gain visibility, personal recognition, or favor
(c) Not respond in kind to another candidate’s improper activities
(d) Not communicate with or visit chapters during the election period, except to fulfill necessary
(2) It is a fundamental principle in Rotary Means Business that the best-qualified candidate should be
selected for service in RMB’s elective offices. Therefore, any effort to influence the selection process in a
positive or negative manner by campaigning, canvassing, electioneering or otherwise is prohibited under
the RMB Fellowship Election Guidelines.
(3) The following rules shall be followed concerning campaigning, canvassing and electioneering for any
Rotarian considering election to the Board of Directors of the Rotary Means Business Fellowship.
(a) Rotarians should at all times conform to the prohibitions of the RMB Fellowship Election
Guidelines concerning campaigning, canvassing or electioneering. All Rotarians should observe
both the letter and the spirit of the bylaws and refrain from any activity whose purpose or effect is
to influence others by promoting or soliciting support for a candidate’s or another Rotarian’s
candidacy. Such activity is repugnant to the spirit of the bylaws and the principles of Rotary and
will be grounds for disqualification of a candidate.
(b) Candidates should not encourage non-members of the Rotary Means Business Fellowship to
vote in the election, nor to support or oppose any candidate.
(c) Campaigning, canvassing or electioneering is any action seeking to promote, attack, support,
or oppose a candidate, either directly or indirectly, in any medium, including, but not limited to,
any action seeking votes, requesting support in a forthcoming election, distribution of literature or
promotional materials or other overt actions intended to promote one’s candidacy for an elected
RMB Fellowship office.
(d) Candidates may provide their Statement of Qualifications to the RMBF election officer when
requested. The statements of all candidates who have submitted a Statement of Qualifications
will be distributed with the ballots. This Statement of Qualifications is NOT considered
(e) The periods of candidacy for elective office begin when individual Rotarians begin to give
serious consideration to submitting their names for a position covered by the RI rules for
nominations and elections. Commencing at that time, candidates should be particularly careful to
avoid any actions designed to publicize their names or achievements, to call attention to the
applicable nominations or elections, or to give candidates an unfair advantage over other
candidates for the same position.
(f) Should a candidate become aware of any campaigning or electioneering activities which are
undertaken on the candidate’s behalf, the candidate shall immediately and in writing express
disapproval to all concerned and instruct them to terminate such activity.

Rotary Means Business and Technology

Rotary Means Business embraces the latest technology to connect people interested in working with Rotarians in business.

Rotary Means Business website

Here Rotarians can advertise their businesses and services, find other RMB members and search for local RMB chapters. The Events Calendar is a great tool to find Rotary Means Business events.



Connect with us on Social Media

Nominations for 2024 board members election is open till 20th April 2024

Nominations to serve on the Rotary Means Business Fellowship Board of Directors are now open.  Please see the attached documentation for details.

Please use the correct address to submit nominations, as noted on the call for candidates.  Nominations sent by replying to this email will not be considered.

If you know of someone who is interested in serving, please feel free to forward this message to him or her


click to download 2024 Notice to Candidates
