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  • Public Group
  • 2 months, 3 weeks ago
  • 4


  • 21



Chartered on 24th September 2018, RMB Cochin is one of the most consistent RMB chapters having never missed except a very few of their weekly meetings since formal inception in November 2018. It currently has 67 active Rotarian members and meets every thursday at 8.00 am at Cochin. RMB Cochin is governed by a duly elected chairman and his / her Board of directors. The term for each chairman is of 6 months and change of guard happens on 1st of January and July every year (We have our 10th Chairman Rtn. Gopa kumar holding office during this term of July – Dec 2023)

RMB Cochin has held several conclaves over the years, the 1st being held on 9th of February 2019. RMB Cochin has also held 2 highly successful International Conventions for Rotarians in Business called INCRIB in November 2019 and January 2022. The 3rd INCRIB is scheduled to held on 9th and 10th of December 2023 at Chittilappilly Square Convention Centre in Kochi, India wherein 500+ Rotarian delegates from across India and outside are expected to network with each other.

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