Chandrashekhar Shashikant Joshi posted in the group RMB District 3142 Corporates
Warm Greetings to all the group members 💐🙏
We all have joined this RMB group of RMB Disctrict 3142 Corporates, however I hardly see any post over here. We can write our requirements or needs over here and members knowing as to how to resolve those requests would connect us to the right contacts (that’s what Rotary means business is about).
So may I request to all the members to start introducing ourselves as a first step. Once we know each other, maybe we can move further.Warm Regards,
C. S. Joshi
RMB District 3142 Corporates
About Me

Chandrashekhar Shashikant Joshi
Founder Director
Multiple Qualifications in different domains:
- Basic Qualifications - B. E. (Mech.) and Mechanical Chartered Engineer
- Second Qualification - Post Graduate Diploma in Software Technology from National Center For Software Technology, Juhu Mumbai (Now merged with C-DAC)
- Third Qualification - Project Management Professional from Project Management Institute USA from 2006 to 2022
- Fourth Qualification - Registered Valuer with Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board Of India (directly coming under Ministry Of Corporate Affairs, India) under companies act 2016
- Fifth Qualification - Certified Independent Director from Indian Institute Of Corporate Affairs (under the aegis of Ministry Of Corporate Affairs, India)
I am one of the writers of Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK) 5th edition and Organization Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) 3rd edition. Both these books published by Project Management Institute, USA.
Wrote numerous papers / articles in International and Indian journals on Project Management, Software, Valuation, etc.
Currently registered valuer of plant and machinery with Ministry Of Finance (under Torts act 1992), Income Tax Department (under Wealth Tax Act and Black Money Act 2015), IBBI (under companies Act), Debt Recovery Tribunal (under SARFAESI Act), Indian Customs (under customs act) and many PSU / Scheduled Banks.

Krishna Kurdukar

Jennifer Isaac

Suresh V

Fran Mikulicic

Anand Joshi