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Pavan Kumar MangalampalliOffline

    • Profile picture of Pavan Kumar Mangalampalli

      Pavan Kumar Mangalampalli posted

      6 years ago

      Greetings from “RMB Online Meetings” group. We wish you all a Happy & Prosperous New Year.

      This year we had a great news to share! We have created a new group “RMB Online Meetings” to regularly organize meetings online to connect Rotarians. The objective is to bring in the potential of every Rotarian to support the success of fellow Rotarians by giving and receiving business worldwide.

      Who can join?
      1. If you are looking for business or explore opportunities with Rotarians
      2. If you want to support fellow Rotarians by giving business or referrals
      3. If you want to connect with Rotarians internationally to help expand your business

      How to use? :
      1. Join the group now:
      2. Stay tuned. You will be informed about next online meeting in the group. Register for the meetings.
      3. We will be using online meeting tools like Zoom, Hangout, Skype, GotoMeeting etc. to connect on a scheduled date & time.
      4. The meeting will be max for 1hr to host 4 speakers.
      4. Attend the meetings, ask any questions, give or take referrals from fellow Rotarians and get connected.

      Please support his new initiative and join the group so we plan our first online meeting date.

      Note : If you want to be one of the speaker in upcoming meetings, contact the group admins in a private message.

      1 Comment
      • Pavan, great idea. I will share it with the roughly 300 RMBers in District 7390 in the hopes that it will entice them to join the RMB Fellowship and possibly participate in your online Chapter.




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